Throughout my education in photography I worked to combine diverse materials and techniques with various photographic processes. That love of experimentation has continued today as I explore mixed-media collage and abstract acrylic painting in my latest body of work.
My collage pieces consist of found and reclaimed paper ephemera repurposed into energetic, abstract color-scapes. I have an extensive collection of blue prints, vintage road maps, book pages, letters of correspondence and various other source items which evoke the nostalgia of my Midwestern upbringing and roots of my artistic cultivation. Inspiration is derived from the inherent meaning in these documents and when combined with layers of paint, three-dimensional objects, photo transfer, etc. I build upon the original history of the material and create an enhanced narrative.
My latest body of abstract acrylic paintings uses my familiar grid motif as a compositional framework. Color theory, balance, texture, and intuition all play an important role in the creation of this work. The satisfying actions of mixing colors and applying paint with a palette knife make the process of studio time very meditative. The paintings take shape organically with each color applied meticulously to conceal or reveal the layer below. One color choice dictates the next until an overall rhythmic harmony is achieved.